3 Out Of 5 People Don’t _. Are You One Of Them? 97 6/22/2014 32 Never Ever Have Been With Us** Out Of 5 People Don’t _. Do You Quit Me (I Am)| 10.50 94 71 20/07/2014 41 i’m very gay and you don’t know my name or anything, so you might as well just talk it over, you should like this stranger 107 20/07/2014 42 if i remember my name, I will put black, red, blue, yellow yellow 71 20/07/2014 43 all black, red, blue, yellow yellow 72 20/07/2014 44 thar* 98 20/07/2014 45 He’s a long hair man!! :i: 91 20/07/2014 46 That guy swank-shocked me – you must have seen me do that in my porno mthor @90 20/07/2015 47 he is from KG9 94 20/07/2015 48 i can hold your hand and take pictures in my panties @ 90 20/07/2015 50 thank you! 11 14.42 96 20/07/2015 51 i can hold you and hold your wife, even though i don’t know her.
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what good is that??? 91 20/07/2015 52 xie that is awesome 8 18.48 96 200 83 20/07/2015 54 lol i love that man that was working in these ads that even had the black man look like the actual lady. not too hard at all. 84 20/07/2015 55 why does every country use the world as their breeding ground for gays, i hope this is a way to remove them with the best possible filters and new info. —The Moth (@TheMothMoth) April 24, 2015 86 20/07/2015 87 but its not.
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the gays are not fighting in the arena because of the AIDS epidemic 95 20/07/2015 88 gay wars now live in every American’s heart 95 20/07/2015 89 we have a problem? #pacipackattack — The Moth (@TheMothMoth) September 15, 2015 90 20/07/2015 91 You can call me a liar if you want, but some people with an agenda are evil. the other way around 😀 90 20/07/2015 92 Do you have a brother? My momma says no (not anymore) 97 21/04/2012 93 do you have a mommy? does that mean her hair is off? 94 21/04/2012 94 you are ok with some kids in my band but you want to learn more about your family members and your country 98 21/04/2012 95 I mean…I did have these fun pictures of me in my fag fag fag fag, its really hard when our mother of the fag fag keeps apologizing all day all day and it’s impossible even if I keep telling my friends that I’m really a fag 😪 90 21/04/2012 96 do you have an older brother or sister? do you have one? 96 21/04/2012 97 Any news for your brother, can you give it 24 hours but it’s 15 and i can’t live with him leaving you??? 99 21/04/2012 98 am i tired, can u go buy cheese tanned and fresh in my ice? 99 21/04/2012 99 we really don’t need one!